Chickadee Cheer
Bi-monthly Blog
Writing Curriculum for Grades 6-12
Dan Schwabauer, Author and Writing Coach
“This book would not have been possible without the wonderful instruction from Dan Schwabauer and his OYAN (One Year Adventure Novel) curriculum, which helped me with plot, characterization, and structure. Thank you, Dan.”
August already! School is starting soon - in some form. This month we’re meeting my editor. What does an editor do, you ask? An editor reads your work, suggests changes in structure, flow, punctuation, word usage, and spelling, and more.
Making A Physical Book
Do you like to read a physical book, or do you prefer an ebook or audiobook?
Every book you can touch has gone through the printing and binding process. Though ebooks and audiobooks have a time and place, there is no substitute for the feel of a real book. It’s sensory: you can smell the ink, feel the paper as you turn pages, it’s beautiful to look at and easier on the eyes that a computer screen, you can hear the pages turn, and the book close. The cover might be hard and cloth-covered, or soft. It might have a jacket with flaps the tell about the story, the author, and the illustrator (if there is one). You can put a bookmark in it to hold your place, then set it on your side table or bookshelf and pick up again later. You can share it with others.