Chickadee Cheer

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Making A Physical Book
People Angels, Writing Kathy Perry People Angels, Writing Kathy Perry

Making A Physical Book

Do you like to read a physical book, or do you prefer an ebook or audiobook?

Every book you can touch has gone through the printing and binding process. Though ebooks and audiobooks have a time and place, there is no substitute for the feel of a real book. It’s sensory: you can smell the ink, feel the paper as you turn pages, it’s beautiful to look at and easier on the eyes that a computer screen, you can hear the pages turn, and the book close. The cover might be hard and cloth-covered, or soft. It might have a jacket with flaps the tell about the story, the author, and the illustrator (if there is one). You can put a bookmark in it to hold your place, then set it on your side table or bookshelf and pick up again later. You can share it with others.

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