Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

Encouraging Sensitivity in Children
Character Kathy Perry Character Kathy Perry

Encouraging Sensitivity in Children

Sensitivity Defined

Carefully using my senses so I can better respond to the people and situations in my life.

Did your children trade Valentine’s Day cards or gifts? Why not encourage siblings and friends, young and old, with praises all year? Who wouldn’t brighten if they found a complimentary note in their lunchbox, on the mirror, or the front of the refrigerator?

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Tips for Nurturing a Passion for Learning
Character Kathy Perry Character Kathy Perry

Tips for Nurturing a Passion for Learning

Our love for learning rubbed off on our children. Judy Stephens of curated the following guest blog post. Enjoy! Contact me if you’d like to share more insights that have worked for your family or class.

Instilling a love for learning in children is a vital aspect of their overall development, acting as a catalyst for growth, curiosity, and success. This endeavor, essential for fostering intellectual and emotional maturity, calls for an intentional approach from parents. Parents can significantly shape their children's educational journey by creating a stimulating home environment and demonstrating a commitment to personal development. Today, author Kathy J Perry shares this detailed guide to helping children develop a lifelong love of learning.

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Inspiring Courage in Your Children
Character Kathy Perry Character Kathy Perry

Inspiring Courage in Your Children


(Content adapted from Character First Education’s unit study. Used with permission for educational use.)

Definition: Overcoming fear so I can do what is right.

Courage comes from the Latin word cor, which means “heart.” A courageous person “takes heart” when things look hopeless. Instead of shrinking back when you are afraid, courage means overcoming your fear so you can do what is right.

Courage BEGINS by knowing what is good, true, and right. This gives you confidence that you are heading in the right direction. When you face a problem, ask yourself, “What is the right thing to do… and why?” This will help you know why you believe something must be done.

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