Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

Author Update
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

Author Update

Author Update

Print & Audio:

Proofreading and formatting for the print book are complete! The ebook is being formatted now. I’ve requested the cover template from the printer and forward it to the cover designer for the finished cover with spine and back and review snippet from The Wishing Shelf.. Then I’ll send it to the printer: Bethany Press. I should have print copies in stock by the first or second week of March, but the ebook will be available on March 1st.

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Inspiring Courage in Your Children
Character Kathy Perry Character Kathy Perry

Inspiring Courage in Your Children


(Content adapted from Character First Education’s unit study. Used with permission for educational use.)

Definition: Overcoming fear so I can do what is right.

Courage comes from the Latin word cor, which means “heart.” A courageous person “takes heart” when things look hopeless. Instead of shrinking back when you are afraid, courage means overcoming your fear so you can do what is right.

Courage BEGINS by knowing what is good, true, and right. This gives you confidence that you are heading in the right direction. When you face a problem, ask yourself, “What is the right thing to do… and why?” This will help you know why you believe something must be done.

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