Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

L K Houk ~ It's Okay To Be Yourself
People Angels Kathy Perry People Angels Kathy Perry

L K Houk ~ It's Okay To Be Yourself

You never know when you might meet a new, very special friend. Her daughter, Lacy, president of our writing group, introduced me to her mother a couple of years ago in the hopes of encouraging her to publish her seven (7) stories she wrote around 25 years ago. Now we are fast friends. The books are being published: two are currently available! “Katy” is one of my people angels for through mentoring her, she has influenced me as well. Isn’t it funny how often you are helped when you help someone else?

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Dan Schwaubauer - Storyteller Extraordinaire
People Angels, Teaching, Writing Kathy Perry People Angels, Teaching, Writing Kathy Perry

Dan Schwaubauer - Storyteller Extraordinaire

Every good story, be it a book or a movie, has certain elements that make it worth reading/watching. Asking myself if my writing in the Bandana Acres series had them, I had to honestly answer, “no”. So I re-wrote them using the wisdom Mr. S. imparted to us in our writer’s group meeting. ALL of my writing now starts out with answering 5 key questions first.

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"One Day I Decided to Create..."  Meet California Artist - Maria Racynska
People Angels, Art Kathy Perry People Angels, Art Kathy Perry

"One Day I Decided to Create..." Meet California Artist - Maria Racynska

Soft watercolor paintings in children’s books have always caught my eye and I wanted them in my books. But I really wanted to do them myself because I love painting. I learned almost everything I know about watercolor from online sources. I found Maria’s Youtube channel and watched many of her videos. Then I subscribed to her Patreon channel where she gives even more instruction and enjoys building a community for sharing. She also has classes on Teachable. I’m so fortunate to have stumbled upon her talent and willingness to help other artists succeed! And, SHE is self-taught!!

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