Chickadee Words

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Calling All Kids (Any Age)

What’s on your bookshelf?

What kind of books interest you? Would you take a minute of your time letting me know? It’s IMPORTANT to me, as a writer. (I do hope you read more than social media!)

Please share with your friends and family. The more replies, the better.

You and/or your parents may just email me with your answer or if you’re not sure, you can fill out the form below. Thanks in advance!

Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash

See this form in the original post

Some of my favorites are:

Would love to visit your school

Have your teacher or librarian contact me.

Rascal’s Trip is on Blog Tour

From September 2 - 15th, Rascal’s Trip will be highlighted and reviewed by Celebrate Lit bloggers. Here’s just one of the recent reviews:

Enjoy the cooler weather this month!