Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

Tips on Teaching Kids to Respect Others
Character Kathy Perry Character Kathy Perry

Tips on Teaching Kids to Respect Others

Most ideas for the character part of this blog come from my observation of people. I listen to others when moms speak of concerns they have at home. It’s not uncommon for kids to have difficulty is social situations with other kids. Although younger kids have issues sometimes with sharing, working, and playing together with other young kids, it seems some have to deal with bullying issues - a really hot topic today. And, as they grow into tweens and teens, they have increased group vs individual issues. It seems all is peaches and cream when your kids are together, and not-so-kind when the wavering friend is with other people. Jealousy, and other ugly problems rear their heads. I am not, nor pretend to be, a psychologist which may be exactly what the wavering friend needs - in addition to compassion and understanding.

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Tips on Gratitude for Parents and Children
Character Kathy Perry Character Kathy Perry

Tips on Gratitude for Parents and Children

Recently, I overhead one mom say, “I can never do enough.” She was frustrated because her children have high expectations of her talents, her time, and her generosity. Even though she loves providing good things for her kids and their friends, she frequently finds herself drained from the effort, feeling unappreciated. Sound familiar? Here are some tips for both parents and kids.

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Encouraging Kids To Have Determination
Character Kathy Perry Character Kathy Perry

Encouraging Kids To Have Determination

This time of year, as winter ends and spring begins, kids many times lose enthusiasm for pushing ahead and finishing strong in school. That’s why there’s a “Spring Break”. But after this break, students need to still buckle down and give their school time 100%. Do your kids understand determination?

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