Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

Finding Strength
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

Finding Strength

Author Update

It’s been a busy month. My cover designer provided a cover for Heartstrings, which I didn’t care for at all, but it influenced a title change: Finding Strength. While there are young men in this story, it’s not primarily a romance. It’s a glimpse into the life of Emeline as she struggles during the Panic of 1893. As you know, I started off with the title Big Decisions, which she makes, but I think this new title better describes the heart of the book.

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Research Is Fun!
Author Update, Art, Researching Kathy Perry Author Update, Art, Researching Kathy Perry

Research Is Fun!

Author Update

Researching farming for Heartstrings has been fun this past month. I’m a city girl who’s always dreamed of living on a farm, or at least a little homestead., so I had a lot to learn. First, I listed all the crops a dairy farm would need for their animals: alfalfa, barley, and oats. In 1893, they had horses, not modern tractors, which led to HOW, how often, and when these crops were harvested. Very interesting stuff!

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Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry


Writing Heartstrings

She’s just turned seventeen, and Emeline is maturing into an independent, confident young woman. It’s funny how the characters become “alive” as I’m writing. It’s like they’re writing the story, and I’m just along for the ride. How fun!

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