Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

The Value of Hard Work
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

The Value of Hard Work

The Value of Hard Work

If nothing else, my husband and I understand that hard work leads to rewards. It’s amazing to me how some of our younger generation don’t. Not saying none do, but why is it so hard to find good employees these days?

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Author Notes & May's Winner
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

Author Notes & May's Winner

Productivity Check

Somehow, even though I’m busy working on a variety of projects, writing seems to take a back seat. Maybe it’s because the other projects are a priority and temporary. But I’m going to be more intentional about writing in May.

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The Incredible, Edible Egg
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

The Incredible, Edible Egg

Homestead Benefits

I’ve always admired those that have small homesteads with a few cows, chickens, and special gardens. Maybe it’s the Emeline in me. Not everyone can afford this lifestyle today — one which was so prevalent in the 19th century. Today, I’m enjoying the benefits of a friend’s hard work — fresh eggs every week. They’re delicious — and beautiful, too.

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