Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog


   Very excited to announce TWO new releases this month: My Bandana Acres Journal and Emeline - A Journey’s audiobook experience. Much time and resources have gone into their production. Check them out!   NEW RELEASE:  My Bandana Acres Journ
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

Very excited to announce TWO new releases this month: My Bandana Acres Journal and Emeline - A Journey’s audiobook experience. Much time and resources have gone into their production. Check them out!

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Creative People Are A Gift
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

Creative People Are A Gift

While I do have a creative streak myself, I am grateful for the talented CREATIVE friends I’ve made in my writing journey. Featuring Claudia Gadotti and Abigail VanTerry, click “read more” to get the latest updates including one local event this month!

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4 Teen Troubles
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

4 Teen Troubles

4 Teen Troubles

In my next book, Emeline - Big Decisions, Emeline struggles with these four teen troubles. Did you experience these? Do you know any teens working through them? Am I missing any other big problems? You can influence the content of this book! Comment or email.

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