Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry


Just released: My Journey

A Christian guided journal for tweens, teens, and above. This journal is like no other. Discover yourself by answering questions like: “What are your deep-seated personal values? If this is too vague, try describing what you look for in a good friend.”

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Small Steps are Still Steps
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

Small Steps are Still Steps

Author Update

January was a busy month of planning, and doing other things other than writing, but I saw some progress. I hope you found joy, even amid all the goings-on. Read more to see what I’ve been up to, won’t you?

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January, 2021 Author Update
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

January, 2021 Author Update

Let’s make a difference in 2021…

I’m excited for things to get back to normal. Aren’t you? I’m a gregarious sort and love getting together with people — even if I have to be sure to sanitize, wear a mask, and keep a distance. January is a month for me to prioritize, organize, and re-evaluate. Here are some plans so far:

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