Chickadee Cheer
Bi-monthly Blog

The Book of Rules
Watch my Zoom meeting with teacher and now published author, Brian Gehrlein, as he introduces his debut picture book releasing November 16th. Those of you with young kids will have fun with this book! Click “read more” to open.

Little House to Author
Meet Baby Grace, er, um, I mean, Wendi Lou Lee. Baby Grace was a fictional character in the Little House on the Prairie TV series for the last four years. These early years of acting made a big impact on this girl — and her twin sister, Brenda. Currently, the remaining cast reunite for trips and visits to Little House events all over the country. But that’s not why she writes. Read more and watch the video to find out why.

Meet Annette Whipple
Annette Whipple is releasing her latest non-fiction children’s book June 30, 2021: Woof! The Truth About Dogs. Animated, engaging, and genuine, you’ll enjoy watching Annette’s video where you’ll learn about her new book, a little about her writing journey, and what’s coming up next! (A sneak preview.) Other titles of hers include Whooo Knew? The Truth About Owls, The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion - A Chapter by Chapter Guide, and more.