Chickadee Words

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Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

Character Corner

(With Permission from Character First Education)

Enthusiasm is “putting my whole heart into what I do.” Whatever the task, no matter how big or small, it will always turn out better if you put your whole heart into it!

Another great thing about enthusiasm is—it’s contagious! Your “spark” of energy and excitement can ignite others to live their lives with enthusiasm.

I Will:

  1. Be an “energy-giver.”

  2. Smile.

  3. Encourage others.

  4. Treat every job as important.

  5. Not be discouraged by failure.

Discussion Starters:

  • What does it mean to “have a good attitude” at school? What does a “good attitude” look like at home?

  • How can you have a positive attitude when doing something you don’t like to do? Can you give an example?

  • Why is it important to do your best in “little” things?

  • The opposite of enthusiasm is apathy, which means not caring about what happens or how things turn out. What do you think will happen to a student who doesn’t care about his or her work?

Author Update

After three critiques on my March submission, I have extensively edited the whole book up to this point and written about 3,000 new words. All of these critiques were helpful, especially the one from my coach. And, I still have enthusiasm for the story!

New Merch in My Shop

Plus, I worked on my website shop! Excited about this, too.

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Chickadee Cheer April Winner

Congratulations to Lori. You’ve won one book of your choice: ebook, audiobook, or physical book. Please respond to the email I’ll send and let me know which book you’d like and, if a physical book, your address. Thank you for reading my blogs and spreading the word!