Chickadee Words

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World Events

Life goes on, but I can’t help but be praying and thinking about Russia and Ukraine every day. I listened to the following video with Condolezza Rice. Former Secretary of State and a very smart person, Ms. Rice shares that the recent developments have united the NATO nations in a way she never thought they would. I think the entire world is uniting against the Russian government.

Even Switzerland has picked a side which hasn’t happened for 500 years. They are joining the sanctions against Russia, while still remaining neutral. To put that length of time into perspective, Michelangelo was alive then. Martin Luther hadn’t published his famous work yet (Ninety-Five Theses), which started the Protestant Reformation.

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One of my writer friends, Sara Brunsvold, shared this poignant video from a young woman in Russia. What’s happening is NOT okay with the Russian people. This was a few days ago (2/25/22), but she expresses her thoughts and feelings about the situation.

See this content in the original post


  • Still working on the rental house. (no updated pictures this month)

  • Still working part time at Van’s Fence. They’re growing by leaps and bounds and need more great installers!

  • Researching for my next book.

  • Grateful for the opportunity to visit with a 12-year-old girl who enjoys reading and writing and wants to be a writer someday. We will keep in touch!

  • Intentionally trying to eat better, including eating wild-caught fish twice a week. Limiting ice-cream and other sweets.

Chickadee Words Giveaway: March Winner

Subscribers who open and read the Chickadee Cheer blog are eligible every month. This month, our winner is (email address). (Sorry, I don’t have your name.) Congratulations! I will contact you through email today to give you a choice of a free book of mine. You may choose any book in my store.

Remember, God is in control.

Enjoy March — spring is just around the corner!