Books Are Valuable
Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash
New in 2022
This year, I’m going to make some changes in my monthly blogs. The first blog will be personal from me to you. And, the second will be more of an outreach featuring a live interview with an author, OR a teacher, OR a parent who can address the value of books in the lives of the young. Please contact me if you, or someone you know, would be interested in sharing experiences of how books are valuable. I’m scheduling for the entire year!
Musical Houses
My husband and I recently sold one of our properties — only to buy another fixer-upper for some lucky renter. This, of course, has diminished my writing time temporarily. But I’m still studying, planning, and doing writing exercises. Here’s a BEFORE picture. Someone vandalized this poor little home. But we’re bringing it back to its former glory — with major improvements. Stay with me to see our how our progress moves along.
“Lots-a-work” project #3
Currently Reading
Story Trumps Structure, by Steven James
For anyone interested in the craft of writing, this is a MUST READ. He gives writers freedom along with clear directions on how to write with the reader in mind.
Can’t wait to finish it and use this knowledge in my next book! For now, I’m writing short bits for practice, like this:
It’s funny. There are so many roads to take in life, so many decisions that will affect so many people. The roads resemble blood vessels: some large, smaller ones sprouting off from them and finally splitting off into smaller and smaller tributaries. Decisions are like that, too.
I think back to my childhood on the farm in Kearney, Missouri. The decision to cross half the country to meet extended family after my parents passed. The decision not to stay there, but to return to Indianapolis to live with an adopted family.
Yes, and there are hundreds of thoughtful small decisions, too, like what to wear to impress Jonathan today. What to say — and what not to say. Each choice has an outcome, like each road leads somewhere. Or does it?
January, 2022 Winner:
KIM! Kim, I’ll be sending you an email requesting your address so I can send you the beautiful spiral wall calendar for 2022 featuring the artwork of Claudia Gadotti for the Emeline books. I hope you will enjoy it.
Of Books and Nooks
A new website featuring the musings of myself and 7 other authors in the Kansas City area. No need to sign up for anything. Just check in for ideas for decorating, cooking, traveling, reading, etc. Each of us has books to read — so be sure to check out the author tab for more information about those.