Chickadee Words

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Helping Others - 5 Tips For Your Children

When you ask your child for help, say to help you with an armful of groceries, how would they respond? Please click on the arrow to read more about tips to discuss with them about the right way to be available to help others. Also read about the giraffe who demonstrates availability every day, and see which subscriber will win the September giveaway this month, and more…


Availability is being ready and willing to help. Do a little role-playing. Pretend that your child is at school and the librarian comes into the classroom with an armful of books and says to the teacher, “Excuse me. I need help shelving books in the library. Would one of your students be available to help me?” Will your child,

  1. Hide behind his/her book and slide further behind his/her desk? (Hiding not helping)

  2. Slowly stand up and reluctantly drag him/herself over to the librarian looking upset and complaining all the way. (Mad not glad)

  3. Immediately look up and say with enthusiasm, “I will.” But then goes back to his/her schoolwork. The librarian is waiting, and waiting, …and waiting for the student. (Tomorrow, not today)

  4. Immediately stands up, runs to the librarian, takes the books, and tells the teacher he/she’ll be back in an hour. (Assuming not asking)

  5. Tells the teacher, “I will be glad to, if it’s alright with you.” The teacher nods and the student helps the librarian right away. (Self or others?)

Number 5 describes what it means to show availability and put others ahead of yourself. When you do it right, everyone is happy!


One thing I found very interesting is that when you help others (even in your job) you are investing in someone else’s life. This is profound when you think about it. When I work, I not only learn more and make money, but I make the company’s owner’s life a little easier and, hopefully, my contributions make the company a little stronger. If you think of it this way, it’s not just a job. Cool, huh?

(Some content used with permission from Character First Education)

Keys For Kids:

Click to print this coloring page - send me your artwork when you’re done!


It’s pretty interesting. Standing 20’ tall, giraffes can see over a mile away. With their keen eyesight, they are always watching out for each other and danger.

When eating and drinking, you’ll aways notice that when one bends down to drink, the other stands up to look. They take turns and always keep each other safe.

Young giraffes are careful not to leave the herd without supervision. Older giraffes watch over young ones when the parents are away.

Whenever the herd needs help, they will stop what they’re doing and make themselves available.


CONGRATULATIONS Wanda! You won the September drawing and a hardback copy of one of my Bandana Acres books! (You chose Feebs to the Rescue.) ENJOY!

By the way, did you know I have a 5-book bundle price on my website? It’s such a great value. So, if you’re thinking of gifts for kids, friends, or even teachers, just go to my website store and GET THE BOOKS!


We finished the house we were working on. It’s now occupied with a fantastic young couple and their two little ones. Such a lot of work, but rewarding on many levels.

My husband and I are traveling to sunny Florida to watch the Chiefs play in Jacksonville. We’ve never been to an away game before. Afterwards, we will travel down the east coast to Daytona Beach and then into Orlando for 2-days at Disney. Pictures later…

I’m excited to be attending the regional SCBWI Conference this November. (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) I always love learning from the professionals who will be speaking and sharing their expertise.

And, November 23rd, I will have a book table at the Local Author Book Fair at the Woodneath Library in Liberty, MO. Here’s the email I just received. Very excited! If you will be in the area, please stop by and say hello.

“The Local Author Fair selection committee has reviewed your submission for the 2019 Story Center Local Author Fair. We appreciate the opportunity to view your selection of artistic work. We had a competitive pool of talented writers and we are pleased to welcome you as one of our participating authors in this year's fair!”

Have a wonderful September!