Chickadee Cheer
Bi-monthly Blog

Author Update
Finally, Edits are Complete!
Diligent work on this novel all 2023 has finally come to an end. END! Did I say that out loud? Yes. Yes, I did. After the major edit and the minor edits were addressed, I combed through the book (now 75,000 words in all, thank you) three times for minor things. Once in Word, once in ProWritingAid, and once listening to the computer read to me (in a British voice which I loved). It amazed me how many little things were missed with each pass. Each method has its strengths, but together, I’m hoping it’s perfect.

Home for the Holidays
What a wonderful word. Just mentioning it brings thoughts of warm apple pies, a cheery fire in the winter, or maybe a family game of bocce ball in the summer. Just saying it feels good, doesn’t it?

The Compass
The Compass - The Original GPS
If you had no GPS or phone, could you find your position in the middle of nowhere — find a heading to where you are going — know your ETA? In the past, a compass, map, and pocket watch were essential pieces of equipment when traveling across unfamiliar territory.