Chickadee Cheer

Bi-monthly Blog

Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry


Life goes on, but I can’t help but be praying and thinking about Russia and Ukraine every day. I listened to the following video with Condolezza Rice. A very smart person, she shares that the recent developments have united the NATO nations in a way she never thought they would. I think the whole world is united against the Russian government.

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When Life Gets Busy
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

When Life Gets Busy

When Life Gets Busy

This author enjoys a busy life outside of writing. When you have several irons in the fire, it’s important to keep priorities straight. Eat right, sleep well, and keep things organized.

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A New Way to Think of Christmas?
Author Update Kathy Perry Author Update Kathy Perry

A New Way to Think of Christmas?

What Does Christmas Mean to YOU?

As a Christian, I’ve always thought of Christmas as the birthday of Jesus, the beloved Son of God. Easter has always meant that Jesus laid down his life for all of our sins so that believers can be reconciled with God. So, while Christmas has always been a joyful celebration and Easter a more somber time of reflection, another blogger introduced me to a new thought.

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