The Green Ember Series

Meet S. D. (Sam) Smith

Privileged to have met with Sam Smith today, author of The Green Ember series (now ten books), our Zoom interview is a must-see. Such a humble, talented author!

You’ll get a glimpse of the man behind the stories, including:

  • As a kid, did he dream of becoming a writer? What profession did he have before becoming a full-time author?

  • What inspired him to write this series?

  • What is his favorite (and least favorite) parts of being an author?

  • What was it like to co-author Jack Zulu with his son, Josiah?

  • Does he have any suggestions for parents of kids who love to read, but are reluctant writers?

Enjoy the entire interview — the time will fly by.

FREE Audiobook for the entire first book in The Green Ember series:

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Kids love author school visits. Click here for suggested topics.

Two Genres: elementary and, now, young adult. (YA books not pictured here, obviously.)

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