Why I Love Being An Author
Why I Love Being An Author
Even while I’m busy with other things, my work as an author keeps blessing others and myself. My goal has always been to help young kids learn to read and young adults enjoy fun stories that also teach some character quality. Today’s kids are tomorrow’s leaders!
Watch this video of Audra, a 7-year-old who’s starting 2nd grade, read aloud from Rascal’s Trip. She’s sounding out unfamiliar words and loves the Bandana Acres stories. I wish I could be there when she and her mom discuss the story and real-life questions at the end. The glossary will help her understand new words, too. Her little sister, Joy, is picking up reading also — thanks to her mom’s tutelage and her sister’s good example. Keep it up! Reading opens new worlds.
My reward is seeing kids like Audra enjoy reading my books.
Joy with big sister, Audra. Click HERE to watch her read some of it.
Latest House Nearing the Finish Line
BEFORE (updates next month)
Ed and I have been renovating houses since October 2021. This latest house will be ready by October 2022. Two new houses in a year, and readying two others. That’s crazy! Two are still our rental properties, while we have sold two to happy new owners. Whew!
It will be so nice to get back to writing this fall. Even as I’m working, or sometimes sleeping, I am thinking, researching, and planning Emeline’s next journey.
Pick a Title!
This image of Emeline will be on the cover of my upcoming novel.
This story is basically a coming-of-age story where 16-year-old Emeline must make tough choices:
Where should she live? Indianapolis, IN or Kearney, MO?
Should she choose Jon, Will, or no one?
Which career should she pursue: woodworking, dairy farmer, or teacher?
My goal with this novel is for young adults to be true to themselves before they committing to a relationship. They need to first know who they are and be happy.
Cousin Becky!
My sister, cousin Becky, and I got together for a long, leisurely lunch in the Plaza. We hadn’t seen her for over 50 years!!! Practically a lifetime of catching up. So glad we got to re-connect.
Kathy, Becky, and Debbi, 2022
Chickadee Cheer Winner - September
Congratulations to Julie! You’ve won this month’s giveaway: a free download of Emeline - A Journey (the audiobook experience). Please review on Amazon when you’ve finished listening. I appreciate you!