Chickadee Words

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Author Notes & May's Winner

Productivity Check

Somehow, even though I’m busy working on a variety of projects, writing seems to take a back seat. Maybe it’s because the other projects are a priority and temporary. But I’m going to be more intentional about writing in May.

Here’s a sample of the first page of Emeline’s next book. I’m not sure if it will stay in this spot or move, but I’m enjoying putting it together in Scrivener and then Atticus. Atticus is a cool program where you can design your book and see it in the size it will be. Here, 6 x 9”. What do you think of it?

Yes or No?

Atticus also has the open dyslexic font. When I start a new series of early reader chapter books, I will use that font to make it easier for kids with dyslexia. Do you have a child who struggles with reading? Ask them if this is easier for them to read — and let me know! You’re part of the story. (Sorry it’s blurry and the apostrophe’s gone in this sample.)

Real-Estate Progress

We’re getting nearer to finishing. Still lots of big things to do. This weekend I’m finishing the tile on the floors in the bathroom and kitchen! We still have:

  • Finish hardwood floors, stairs, & paint floor trim

  • Paint the basement and install vinyl flooring

  • Fix the 3rd garage door, finish insulating all garages, install a window in double detached garage

  • Paint exterior of house and front trim

  • New driveway, sidewalk, and steps

  • New fence

  • and more… hoping to be finished by June 1st

But we’re done SO MUCH since December. Next month I’ll show before and after pictures.

May’s Drawing Winner ~

Last month, this little lady was the recipient of a complimentary copy of My Bandana Acres Journal: a guided journal following the Bandana Acres series of characters. How will she answer the questions? Her answers will be uniquely hers. Kids from 8 to 12 will discover their own values, goals, and dreams, while having fun at the same time! Start anywhere, doodle, or write about something else. It’s YOUR story.

May’s winner is Cynthia. Congratulations! You have won a copy of a book of your choice. I’ll email you for your decision and mailing address.

(Note: I use a random number generator and apply it to a list of those subscribers who actually open and read my emails. If you didn’t win this time, just keep reading!)