Chickadee Words

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Launch Team?

Author Update

You can make a difference!

Ingram Spark distributed my softcover book to Amazon (and more). It is now available and for sale - even though I haven’t officially launched it yet. Would you like to be on my launch team? I need reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Receive a FREE eBook (for a limited time) for your review! I’m also sending a helpful sheet to help with your review, plus direct links to the sites. Order with a code on my website: Thank you to those of you who have already signed up!

Deluxe Hardcover Arriving!

The deluxe hardcover should be shipped by the end of this week. It might be in my online store this weekend!

Entertaining Audiobook in Progress

Emeline - A Journey, the audiobook is being recorded now.  An incredible performance takes time, though, and it won’t be available until the first part of December. Even if you’ve read the story, it will be fun to listen to the characters, the accents, and the great story-telling of Abigail VanTerry.

School Visits

Kids & Teachers: I am sending brochures to schools about scheduling author visits (in person or virtual). This has been a tough year, hasn’t it?! My author visits are FREE through December, so if your school would like a visit, please send them to my website to schedule! Super easy. Very excited for the one I have coming up in early November.

Updated Website

I’ve re-vamped my website a wee bit. I’m going for minimalistic, simple, and easy to navigate, but still thorough. Take a look. If you see anything that is confusing or stops you, just let me know.

Emeline’s Sequel Forming Now

I’m still thinking (and dreaming) about the next book for Emeline. Ideas are being collected, research started, but no writing yet. I want this next book to be relevant and engaging for ages 14-18. Think of the possibilities! It will still be set in the 1890’s, but basically, teenage struggles are timeless. People are people. So, if you would like to see any particular struggles encountered by teenagers included, I would appreciate YOUR input and give it consideration.

Amazon Woes (not everything is coming up roses)

Still struggling to get my eBook on Amazon. I don’t understand what I’m missing. I’ll figure it out, eventually, I hope. At least I have it available at bookstores, libraries, schools, and my website.

Besides Authoring:

  • Still happily working part-time for Van’s Fence.

  • Had some help getting our yard tamed - thanks to our friends last weekend!

  • I finally got my 40-gallon fish tank ready and it’s now occupied by some cool fresh-water fish.

  • My husband is solving problems with a/c units, furnaces, and cars (his specialty).

  • Both daughters are doing well.

  • Supported fellow author Stacy C. Bauer, picture book author of fun, cute, and family value-driven books that all parents and kids will relate with. Cami and Wyatt Have Too Much Screen Time, Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets, Cami, Wyatt, and Kindness Too, Cami Kangaroo Has Too Much Stuff, Cami and Wyatt Practice Patience, and her latest book: Cami and Wyatt Share The Christmas Spirit. Check her out on Amazon and support her new book at this kickstarter campaign: Use this link to share too.

I pray that you and your families are well also. Take care.