Chickadee Words

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Author Update

Finally, Edits are Complete!

Diligent work on this novel all 2023 has finally come to an end. END! Did I say that out loud? Yes. Yes, I did. After the major edit and the minor edits were addressed, I combed through the book (now 75,000 words in all, thank you) three times for minor things. Once in Word, once in ProWritingAid, and once listening to the computer read to me in a British voice which I loved. It amazed me how many little things were missed with each pass. Each method has its strengths, but together, I’m hoping it’s perfect.

Now, it’s been delivered to two people: Rebecca Brown of Design for Writers for the design of the print interior and e-book, and Ceci Garcia, my narrator who will give an audio performance of the story.

Ceci Garcia, Voice Talent

I searched through ACX (Amazon’s narrators) and other narrator sites including Voices. I requested several auditions, but due to short notice, I received only a handful. But one available person, the right voice, is all I needed. Fortunately, I found Ceci.

She is a born Kansan, now living in Florida. Ceci has studied acting her whole life and is thrilled to be trusted to bring characters to life! Her passions include books, psychology, and crafting her own stories.

Incredibly, her Irish accent is perfect for William’s character. As it happens, when she attended school in Kansas, her family hosted foreign exchange students — from Ireland — for two years. She couldn’t help but pick up their accent!

She’s agreed to video her recording in the studio for brief outtakes, which I’ll share with you. So exciting!

Join My ARC Team and Read Finding Strength Before Anyone Else!

Since Finding Strength (During the Panic of 1893) is almost ready for release, I’d love for some of you to be part of my ARC Team.

What’s an ARC Team?

An ARC Team is a group of dedicated readers who receive a free, early copy (e-book) in exchange for an honest review on launch day (March 1st).

Interested? (Sign up here)

Why Join the ARC Team?

  • Be the first to read Finding Strength (During the Panic of 1893)

  • Get a behind-the-scenes look at my writing process

  • Help other readers discover my work

Spots are limited, so if you're interested, please sign up by January 31, 2024.

Thank you for your continued support. I can't wait to share Finding Strength with you!

Thank You, and All the Best for You

in This New Year!